date だて
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Also written 伊達. Originally derogatory, the term implies a man arrogant and full of his own prowess; it later came to represent an aesthetic value of ornate and spectacular beauty. In the early to middle Edo period the date aesthetic was a popular ideal of masculine style, taking its lead from the class of samurai who existed outside the bakuhan 幕藩 system in the mid-17c but who were pleased to parade their padded lounge kimono, tanzen 丹前 and yoshiyafuu よしや風 decorated clothes which matched their outlandish manners and unconventional behaviour. In the Genroku 元禄 era (1688-1704) merchants with new money displayed and celebrated this recent good fortune with garishly patterned 'genroku moyou 元禄模様 kosode 小袖. These extravagant kimono were called date-zome だて染. The date influence is obvious in all artistic fields at this time and was a great contributor to the late Edo period aesthetic of *iki いき.


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