ikkou sanzon 一光三尊
KEY WORD : art history / sculptures
A triad of Buddhist statues arranged in front of a large nimbus *kouhai 光背, that framed all three statues from head to toe *kyoshinkou 挙身光. The nimbus is usually in the shape of a lotus petal, and each attendant often also has his own head-halo *zukou 頭光. This iconic type originated in China. The Shaka sansonzou 釈迦三尊像 in Houryuuj *Kondou 法隆寺金堂 is a typical Japanese example dating from the Asuka period. Amida triads in the Zenkouji style *Zenkoujishiki amida sanzon 善光寺式阿弥陀三尊 followed this form in later periods.


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