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AFMateo Docs

Dr. Antonio F. Mateo

Developing Competitive Filipino Inventors: Bridging the Gap between Innoventions and Market

The continuing changes and the rapid development of technology over the world give rise to challenges of globalization and technological dynamism. These revolutionary global changes and development necessitate the need to prepare our creative and innovative human resource to be competitive, efficient and productive national resource.

The presentation will cover actual problems encountered by Filipino Inventors in R&D works, Manufacturing, Government and Market attitude, Entrepreneurial activities as a small enterprise and options available to counter these problems. Foremost, will be the rights and benefits available for Filipino Inventors under the law for commercial exploitation of their inventions and innovations (innoventions) for competitive advantage.
The presentation will also cover the general rules in inventing and innovating and stimulating creativity for national growth.


Thank you for helping us by citing the seminar when using these documents (17th Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar of the Sekiguchi Global Research Association, February 11, 2014, College of Engineering, University of the Philippines)


2013年11月08日 10:31に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「Manila Report Summer 2013 (16th Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar)」です。

次の投稿は「Maquito Andal Docs」です。


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