Initial compilation of verses from the Holy Qu’ran pertaining to
water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
Zadiqueyah J. Hajihil
Vice-President, Muslim Students Association, Mindanao State University – Sulu Chapter
An initial compilation of verses from the Holy Qu’ran pertaining to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is being done to support the work of nongovernment organizations doing awareness raising campaigns, advocacy efforts and project implementation in Muslim communities in the Philippines. The implementation of sanitation and hygiene campaigns in Islamic communities becomes effective when messages are linked to verses from the Qu’ran. Water is important in the daily life of Muslims as washing is a requirement prior to praying and the performance of other rituals. The initial compilation came about in the hope of starting a groundswell of demand calling for safe sanitation and clean drinking water for everyone in the local context of the community.
Using verses from the Holy Qu’ran is an approach in enhancing the participation of people in Islamic communities affected by conflicts to set WASH targets and goals that could contribute to peace efforts. The compilation is used in focus group discussions leading to community agreements on WASH concerns. With the compilation, madrasah schools could integrated WASH into its teachings. Verses from the initial compilation are also used to push WASH concerns up the local political agenda for prioritization and action. It is hoped that other researchers will continue the compilation and that the findings are presented in an accessible way to create new learning opportunities.
ZADIQUEYAH J. HAJIHIL is the Vice-President of the Muslim Students Association of Mindanao State University (MSU) in Sulu province. He is a fourth year college student at MSU-Sulu taking up AB English. Zadiqueyah is a student leader and has a post in the executive committee of the MSU-Sulu Student Council. He is also the president of the student organization of the MSU-Sulu College of Arts and Sciences.
Zadiqueyah is actively involved in the Sulu Ulama Council for Peace and Development (SUCPD), where he is the head of the Committee on Youth. He is also a madrasah teacher at the Lambayong Islamic School. His community involvement include volunteering in a nongovernment organization (NGO) working in Sulu province. Zadiqueyah is a member of the WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) Coalition Pilipinas – Mindanao Chapter.
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