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Architect Josefina de Asis Abstract + DP + Slides + Profile

Potential of Container Housing in the Philippines

While it is uncertain where the concept of Container Housing originated or who first thought of recycling shipping containers into structural shells of livable units, the fact remains that at present, it is a concept widely canvassed worldwide. Numerous examples may be found of utilizing this material as a stand-alone livable unit or used in combination as a Medium-Rise Building.

Advocates of utilizing this material as building block for construction have enumerated its positive qualities. However, it is important to note that shipping containers, as a livable space, is not a perfect material, particularly with its responsiveness to the hot-humid climate of the Philippines. Still, it is possible that the advantages of utilizing this unit outweigh any disadvantages.

The study investigates whether Container Housing is a feasible solution to the housing needs of the urban poor in the Philippine setting by comparing it with conventional Medium-Rise Housing. Comparison is focused on Engineering Issues, Thermal Comfort, Alteration Issues, and Tentative Construction Cost to be able to provide an overview on the performance of Container Housing when viewed against the conventional Medium-Rise Housing.

Keywords: Medium-Rise Housing, shipping containers, recycling, urban poor housing

Seminar 14 Slides
Seminar 14 Discussion Paper
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Arch. Josefina Santos de Asis finished BS Architecture from the University of the Philippines. Since late 2010, she took up the post of a faculty from the Department of Architecture and Drafting Technology of the Technological Institute of the Philippines. She is currently pursuing her graduate thesis for the Master of Architecture, Major in Housing program of the College of Architecture, University of the Philippines.


2012年04月04日 09:40に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「Atty. Roberto Canuto and Dr. Jane Toribio Abstract + Slides + Profile」です。

次の投稿は「Dr. Rene Ofreneo Abstract + Slides + DP + Profile」です。


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