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Dr. Rene Ofreneo Abstract + Slides + DP + Profile

Green Challenges in a Brown Philippine Economy

The Philippines, a low GHG emitter, is in the world's short list of the most vulnerable
to climate change risks. However, the country also has a very degraded environment due to poor socio-economic policies and past development failures, which have resulted in chronic and massive poverty, inequality and unemployment/underemployment.

The paper argues that the Philippines has no choice but to go green and greener -- for survival and sustainability as well as job creation and poverty eradication. This means going beyond the program of growing the green sector of renewables, reforestation and rehabilitation. Existing industrial, agricultural and service sectors should go greener. And one must add the habitat nationwide.

But for all this to happen, one must overhaul the existing development paradigms, which are at the roots of environmental degradation and the persistence of poverty and inequality in the country. Such an overhaul has serious social, political and IR/HRM implications.

Seminar 14 Slides
Seminar 14 Discussion Paper
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Dr. Rene E. Ofreneo is Professor XII and Former Dean of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), University of the Philippines. Dr. Ofreneo has a Certificate in Development Economics, an MA in Industrial Relations and a PhD in Philippines Studies (Labor and Economy).

He served as an Undersecretary for Labor Relations in the Philippine Department of Labor Employment in 1997-98, at the height of the Asian financial crisis. In this capacity, he handled big labor disputes involving the automotive, electronics, aviation, banking, education and power industries.

He has written extensively on the labor and industrial relations issues in Asia. He sits in the board of several journals dealing with labor and management issues in the Asia-Pacific such as The Journal of Industrial Relations (Sydney) and the Asia-Pacific Review (London). The Bangkok Office of the International Labor Organization (ILO) is publishing his Integrative Report on East Asia: IR Challenges in Globalizing Labour Markets (forthcoming), a survey of changing industrial relations landscape in East Asia, with special focus on “labour flexibility” and labor law reforms. He participated in the ILO’s Fair Globalization project as a consultant for the Manila Dialogue as a participant in the Bangkok Regional Dialogue and as a contributor to the Geneva study group (on inclusion/exclusion). The UNDP and UNCTAD have also engaged his research services. He is three-time recipient of the “International Publication Award” of the University of the Philippines.

His services as IR lecturer or researcher have also been tapped from time to time by the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP), various Philippine government agencies and the ILO Manila, Jakarta and Bangkok offices. He assisted the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs in the organization of the 1st ASEAN Social Forum (November 2008) and in the conduct in Manila of ASEAN consultations with the national ang regional CSOs on the ASEAN Charter (2006-2007).

An active voluntary arbitrator, he has been promoting voluntary modes of dispute settlement as better modes of resolving industrial disputes.

Dr. Ofreneo can be reached at his mobile (+63) 917-835-0682; home (+63) 435-9098; Office (+63) 920-7717; and email: [email protected], [email protected].


2012年04月14日 08:18に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「Architect Josefina de Asis Abstract + DP + Slides + Profile」です。

次の投稿は「Arch. Raymond Andrew Sih Abstract」です。


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