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Arch. Raymond Andrew Sih Abstract

Controlling Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds in Design and Construction

More and more Filipinos are exposed to airborne pollutants from synthetic substances, power equipment, furnishings, and finishes in the built environment.
Particulate Matter has been linked to asthma and decreased lung function, however only particulate matter from the fuel combustion is directly regulated. Volatile organic compounds found in some synthetic materials react with sunlight and atmospheric nitrogen oxide to form ground level ozone that irritates, weakens, and damages the lungs, however Volatile Organic Compounds found in furnishings and finishes are rarely addressed. Air pollution-related illnesses such as acute lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and heart disease are already the primary causes of morbidity and mortality in the country.
Greater attention must be given to pollutant source control in the built environment to avoid poor environmental quality extending over time, as well as the resulting discomfort, health problems, absenteeism, and decrease in productivity. While more specific regulation with appropriate technical requirements and standards is needed, some organizations have already chosen to voluntarily adopt international and more recently established local standards to control air pollution within their project boundaries. There are opportunities in the design and construction of the built environment to control sources of air pollutants.

Keywords: Particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, pollutant source control, indoor air quality, environmental quality, air pollutants, design, construction, built environment


2012年04月14日 16:52に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「Dr. Rene Ofreneo Abstract + Slides + DP + Profile」です。

次の投稿は「Prof. Hans Peder Pedersen Abstract」です。


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