AFC -Asia Future Conference

第1回アジア未来会議 「世界の中のアジア:地域協力の可能性」

The 1st Asia Future Conference: “Asia in the World ---- Potentials of Regional Cooperation”

第一届亚洲未来会议 “亚洲与世界: 区域合作的可能性”






アジア未来会議は、このような状況を鑑み、国際的かつ学際的なアプローチを基本として、グローバル化に伴う様々な問題を、科学、技術、ビジネスの進歩に留意しつつ、環境、政治、教育、芸術、文化など、社会のあらゆる次元において多面的に検討する場を提供することを目指しています。本会議は、関口グローバル研究会(Sekiguchi Global Research Association:SGRA)が、SGRA会員だけでなく、日本留学し現在世界各地の大学等で教鞭をとっていらっしゃる方々、その学生の皆さん、そしてどなたでも日本に興味のある方々が一堂に集まり、知識・情報・意見・文化等の交流・発表の場を提供するために、趣旨に賛同してくださる諸機関のご支援とご協力を得て開催するものです。 関口グローバル研究会は、公益財団法人渥美国際交流財団の一部署で、2000年7月に東京で設立されました。世界各国から渡日し長い留学生活を経て日本の大学院から博士号を取得した知日派外国人研究者が中心となって活動し、グローバル化に関わる問題提起を行い、その成果をフォーラム、レポート、ホームページ等の方法で、広く社会に発信しています。ある一定の専門家ではなく、広く社会全般を対象に、幅広い研究領域を包括した国際的かつ学際的な活動を狙いとしています。良き地球市民の実現に貢献することがSGRAの基本的な目標です。

Best Papers of the Asia Future Conference “Toward the Future of Asia: My Proposal”

Vol.6 (2022)

Vol.5 (2020)

Vol.4 (2019)

Vol.3 (2017)

Vol.2 (2015)

Vol.1 (2014)
Best Paper Selection Process
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Aim of the Conference

The twenty-first century has seen the world thrust into a maelstrom of change and unpredictability. We remain hopeful in the face of rapid technological advancements, but many of us struggle to regain our bearings as longstanding social structures become upended. Internationalization and globalization have long been heralded as the keys for the future, yet a truly global path forward remains elusive, serving only to heighten the sense of uncertainty. As global citizens in this era of change, we are called anew to reexamine our world and our collective future and to seek new multidimensional and inclusive perspectives on myriad global issues. The achievement of rapid economic development has also led to dramatic changes in Asia. At the same time, a complex set of transnational problems have been brought about by global environmental issues and increased socioeconomic globalization. In the midst of an ever-expanding understanding of “society,” the global citizenry—individuals, governments, and the business community—must adopt policies that not only allow for the pursuit of individual interests but also respond to concerns for the peace and happiness of society as a whole. Solving these problems requires the development of multifaceted evaluative and analytical strategies with cooperation across national and disciplinary borders. The Asia Future Conference is interdisciplinary at its core and encourages diverse approaches to global issues that are both mindful of the advancement of science, technology, and business and also take into consideration issues of the environment, politics, education, the arts, and culture. The Asia Future Conference is organized by the Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA) in partnership with likeminded institutions, in order to provide a venue for the exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, and culture, not only by SGRA members, but also by former foreign students of Japan from various educational institutions throughout the world, their own students and collaborators, and anyone interested in Japan. The Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA) began operating in Tokyo in July 2000 as a division of the the Atsumi International Foundation, a charitable organization. At its core is a community of non-Japanese researchers who come from all over the world to conduct advanced studies in Japan and obtain doctoral degrees from Japanese graduate institutions. SGRA identifies issues related to globalization and seeks to disseminate research results to a wide audience through forums, reports, and the internet. SGRA’s aim is to reach society at large rather than a specific group of specialists through wide-ranging research activities that are inherently interdisciplinary and international. The essential objective of SGRA is to contribute to the realization of responsible global citizens. We look forward to welcoming a diverse and active group of conference participants.


Sekiguchi Global Research Association Atsumi International Foundation