KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also wirtten ‘¤. The area beside or surrounding the straw matted *tatami ô, floor of a room or veranda in Japanese dwellings. Formerly *en ‰ and engawa were interchangeable terms, but engawa now usually refers to a veranda that is either partly inside the building with sliding doors protecting it from rain, or a completely exposed veranda.
There are types: 1 *nure-en ”G‰, no rain doors so the it is exposed to the elements;@2 kure-en žÒ‰, the veranda boards have there long sides exposed;@3 kirime-en Ø–Ú‰, have the cross cut ends exposed;@4 takesunoko-en ’|âÅ‚ÌŽq‰, is a type of veranda that has a bamboo slatted floor.
kure-en žÒ‰F
Hontokuji –{“¿Ž› (Hyougo)
kirime-en Ø–Ú‰F
Nagatomi ‰i•x house (Hyougo)
takesunoko-en ’|âÅ‚ÌŽq‰F
Hontokuji –{“¿Ž› (Hyougo)


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